LIFE DEBAG – Integrated information and awareness campaign for the reduction of plastic bags in the marine environment (LIFE14GIE/GR/001127), implemented with the contribution of the European Union’s LIFEfinancial instrument, aims at reducing plastic bags in the marine environment.
Throughout the duration of the Project, an extensive information campaign will be implemented, targeting the huge ecological footprint of plastic bags in the marine environment, a phenomenon for which, despite the alarming dimensions it has reached in the last decade, the awareness of citizens is still very deficient.
Although the dissemination and the results of the Project are expected to have a positive impact at a national level, the basic “pilot” of the implementation’s actions is the island of Syros.
In this context and on an annual basis, the first week of June is established as a “plastic bag free week”, during which the basic information and communication activities to citizens and visitors of the island will take place.
These actions will include:
Door- to- door campaign to the local population of Syros Island on the impacts of plastic bags.
- Educational lectures and educational games for children.
- Training courses for teachers.
- Round tables: information/discussion with stakeholders (relevant public bodies, local shops/ retailers etc).
- Campaign for the replacement of plastic bags, in cooperation with the local enterprises interested in participating in the Project’s activities, during which woven bags will be distributed with a view to their promotion to the general public, their gradual adoption for packaging and transportation of shopping, and, therefore, to reduce the use of plastic bags.
- Exhibition of artworks made by the students of Syros Island schools
- Workshop, open to the general public, with the participation of international scientists, concerning marine litter.
The performance of these actions will be evaluated by the Project’s implementation team, by monitoring and measuring the litter in the island environment throughout the duration of the program.