Presentation of financial and labor data of the plastic bag production industry in Greece and offset of any adverse impacts caused by the reduction in the use of plastic bags.
On Wednesday, July 7 2016, the 2nd stakeholders’ Consultation Forum was successfully held.
The forum, which took place in Panteion University, under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and the Hellenic Recycling Agency (HRA), was attended by participants of all the stakeholders involved with the subject. Namely: the Rector of Panteion University, representatives of the Ministry of Environment, of the Hellenic Recycling Agency, of plastic bag production associations and industries, of environmental organizations, of researchers from various universities and institutes and others.
The second forum focused on the exploration of data and the consultation of targeted proposals to offset any negative impacts on the industry deriving from the reduction of single use plastic carrier bags due to the country’s impending legislative adaptation of the to Directive 720/2015/EU.
Through the presentations and the dialogue that followed, all the subjects’ parameters have been presented and thoroughly analyzed. Particular emphasis was placed on:
- the importance of the LIFE DEBAG Project’s role and especially of the stakeholders’ consultation forums
- the financial and the labor data of the plastic bag production industry in Greece
- the assessment study for the use of plastic bags in Greece
- the proposals to offset any adverse impacts on industry caused by the reduction in the use of plastic bags
The dialogue was recorded and the minutes of the 2nd Forum are available to all interested parties.
(Greek language)