January 2019
- Project end and compilation of the Final Report.
December 2018
- Implementation of the LIFE DEBAG Final Conference, on 07.12.2018.
- Realization of the 7th Consultation Forum, on 05.12.2018.
- Processing data collected during the 3rd phase of the questionnaire survey regarding the general public and SME’s aiming at validating the results and trends already developed by the two previous phase surveys.
- Statistical analysis and processing of the survey questionnaires filled in by the participants of the previous stakeholders’ consultation Fora.
- Meetings and one on one consultation with the supermarket chains for Voluntary Agreements.
November 2018
- Airing of the LIFE DEBAG underwater video with the LIFE DEBAG logos, showing benthic litter at the TV broadcast “Econews”, on SKAI tv channel (25/11/2018).
- Presentation of the results regarding the 1st and 2nd phase questionnaire survey by Charalampos Mentis at the 5th Conference of ’’Economics of Natural Resources & the Environment”, which was held during 1-3 November 2018 in Volos, Greece.
- Presentation of the Project by LIFE DEBAG’s coordinator Prof. G. Papatheodorou on the “Marine Environment Cooperation Network Press Conference” held at Grande Bretagne Hotel on November 20, organized by AS Laskaridis Foundation.
- Analysis of the data collected during the benthic litter monitoring of the two selected gulfs in Syros (Ermoupoli and Kini) with the use of a towing camera system.
October 2018
- Realization of the 6th Consultation Forum, on 23/10/2018.
- Dissemination of the Project’s results and actions at a meeting of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, which took place in Mystras on 24/10, in which 150 people participated (Mayors and representatives of Local Authorities).
September 2018
- Monitoring survey in Syros took place between 2 to 7 September, during which data collection of plastic bag load on the Project’s 4 selected beaches, benthic litter monitoring survey of the two selected gulfs in Syros (Ermoupoli and Kini) with the use of a towing camera system, and the outside supermarkets questionnaire survey, took place.
- Participation of Project’s beneficiaries in the Workshop: “Plastics: Revolution or Threat? Consultation on the future of production and management of plastics”.
August 2018
- Processing data collected during “Plastic bag free week” actions related to hotels and voluntary agreements.
- Processing data collected during the 3rd phase of the questionnaire survey regarding the general public and SME’s aiming at validating the results and trends already developed by the two previous phase surveys.
July 2018
- Statistical analysis and processing of the survey questionnaires filled in by the participants of the previous stakeholders’ consultation Fora.
- Analysis of the data collected during the implementation of plastic bag load monitoring survey on the project’s 4 selected beaches. Implementation of the questionnaire outside super markets survey data.
June 2018
- Replenishing hotels’ and tourist accommodations’ info sheets.
- Educational presentations in 5 schools of Attica region, with the participation of 758 students.
- Processing of the data collected during the “Plastic Bag Free Week” actions related to hotels and voluntary agreements.
- Presentation of LIFE DEBAG during Nestlé Green Day held on June 25 at the premises of the Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation, in Athens.
- Presentation of the Project in the event “Sustainability Talks: Plastic Dreams and Nightmares” of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, held on June 14 in Athens.
- Presentation of the results regarding the 1st phase questionnaire survey on the socio-economic impacts of the Project by Charalampos Mentis on the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology, held in Jyväskylä, Finland, from June 12 to June 15, 2018.
- Project results disseminated to the meeting of FODSA (regional waste management bodies) at their annual meeting in Thessaloniki.
- Project results (among other things) discussed on June 28 at the Hellenic Parliament Environment Committee on Circular Economy.
- Radio interview of LIFE DEBAG’s coordinator Prof. G. Papatheodorou, on ERT PATRAS on “World Ocean Day” (June 8), where LIFE DEBAG was presented extensively at Niki’s Papadoula’s Radio show.
- LIFE DEBAG, as an excellent practice, was mentioned by the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Socrates Femmelos, during his speech at the 15th Regional Conference of the South Aegean, which was published by several media.
May 2018
- Implementation of the “3rd Plastic Bag Free Week” in Syros (21.05.2018 – 26.05.2018).
- Operation of LIFE DEBAG’s Information Kiosk at Miaouli Square in Hermoupolis, Syros (21.05.2018 – 26.05.2018).
- Preparation and production of information material for the “3rd Plastic Bag Free Week”.
- Implementation of plastic bag load monitoring survey on the Project’s 4 selected beaches.
- Implementation of the questionnaire outside super markets survey data, in order to reveal to what extend the information campaign has contributed to the social welfare of the residents of Syros in the long run.
- Implementation of benthic litter monitoring of the two selected gulfs in Syros (Hermoupolis and Kini), with the use of a towing camera system.
April 2018
- Radio interview of MEDSOS director C. Kontaxi (representative of the Project), on SKAI radio station by reporters M. Anastasopoulou and G. Kolokithas (27/4).
- Travel to Syros for the preparation for the next “Plastic Bag Free Week”. During the visit, a meeting with the Mayor and the Deputy Mayors of Syros took place, as well as discussions with the shop owners concerning the changes that have occurred and their needs and questions, after the imposition of a levy on lightweight plastic carrier bags.
- Publication in relation to the results of the 1st phase of LIFE DEBAG’s questionnaire survey on the socio-economic impacts of the Project in the scientific journal Marine Pollution Bulletin: Latinopoulos D., Mentis C., Bithas K. “The impact of a public information campaign on preferences for marine environmental protection. The case of plastic waste”, (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025326X18302248).
- LIFE DEBAG was presented at the Life Task Force’s meeting at Villa Kazouli by Project coordinator.
- Project’s information material was sent to the Ministry of Environment for the Photographic and Video Exhibition from Greece, entitled “Conserving biodiversity and the traditional man-made environment in the Greek islands: Drivers for sustainable tourism and resilient societies”, which is organized by the Greek Ministry in parallel to this year’s UN High Level Policy Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF, 9-18 July 2018, New York, United Nations Headquarters).
- Networking with the Active Skiathos Against Plastic bag (ASAP) project in Skiathos island, during the April 17th street event, in which a LIFE DEBAG educational game was used.
March 2018
- Approval of LIFE DEBAG’s Amendment Request by EASME and receival of the Letter Amendment No2 to the Grant Agreement.
- Statistical analysis and processing of the survey questionnaires filled in by the participants of the previous stakeholders’ consultation Fora.
- Dissemination of the Project results to 36 stakeholders (mostly local Authority representatives) at PEDA (Union of Attica Region Municipalities).
- Presentation of the Project at National Technical University in Athens interdisciplinary session.
- The Project and its results were presented to 30 students at Harokopio University.
- LIFE DEBAG’s methodology and results on benthic and beach litter monitoring were presented at the Steering Committee meeting of the MELTEMI Balkan Med Project, and will be followed for litter surveying in Chios Island and Cyprus.
February 2018
- Statistical analysis and processing of the results in relation to the questionnaires of the 2nd phase of the survey researches, with regards to the assessment and evaluation of the socioeconomic impact of LIFE DEBAG’s actions, concerning the preferences of the hotel owners, room rental facility owners and stakeholders in Syros.
- Processing of the data collected during the implementation of the 3rd questionnaire survey researches in Syros in relation to the general public and SME’s, in order to reveal to what extend the information campaign has contributed to the social welfare in the long run.
- Interview of LIFE DEBAG’s coordinator Prof. G. Papatheodorou on SKAI television, at the “ECO News” TV show and the reporter K. Christofilidou, which aired on 3/2/2018. LIFE DEBAG Project, as well as the first results of LIFE DEBAG actions relating to the reduction of plastic bag consumption in the coastal zone of Syros were announced.
- Article published in Kathimerini nationwide newspaper presented the main parts of the speeches of the 5th Consultation Forum, including the first results from the implementation of the new legislation on the reduction of the consumption of single-use plastic bags, as well as the results of the two-year beach and benthic litter monitoring in Syros.
- Presentation of the 5th Consultation Forum speeches at the “ECO News” TV show, with interviews of participants of the Forum and broadcast of LIFE DEBAG videos.
- Conduction of the 5th Consultation Forum, on 1/2/2018.
January 2018
- Development of Voluntary Agreement proposals for the 5th Consultation Forum.
- Presentation of the LIFE DEBAG campaign in Syros at the 2 day conference: “Life as art or the art of life” organised in Athens by the “Hellenic Society of Counseling and Guidance” (27 and 28/2).
- Networking with Interreg Balkan-Med Project MELTEMI, an information and education project on marine litter in Greece, Albania and Bulgaria on exchanging tools and presenting LIFE DEBAG Project and outcomes to the local information and awareness raising events.
- A representative of the Project was interviewed by ETHNOS daily newspaper on the issue of plastic bag and LIFE DEBAG was presented as a best practice (9/1).
- MEDSOS representative was interviewed by Alpha 9.89 radio station on the issue of plastic bag with special reference to LIFE DEBAG Project (6/1).
- A representative of the Project was interviewed by AMNA (Athenian Macedonian News Agency) on the issue of plastic bag, with special reference to LIFE DEBAG (3/1).
- A representative of the Project was interviewed by the Chinese News Agency on the issue of plastic bag and LIFE DEBAG project was presented as a best practice (3/1).
- A representative of the Project spoke on Pavlos Tsimas radio talk show on Athens 9.84 radio station (2/1).
December 2017
- Networking with the Quercus Environmental Organization, focusing on the Portuguese experience in regards with the reduction of plastic bag use (27/12).
- A representative of the Project was interviewed by REAL FM radio station on the issue of plastic bags and the implementation of LIFE DEBAG (17/12).
- Implementation of the 3rd questionnaire survey researches in Syros in relation to the general public and SME’s in order to reveal to what extend the information campaign has contributed to the social welfare in the long run.
- Analysis of the data collected during the 11th and 12th plastic bag load monitoring survey on the Project’s 4 selected beaches. Analysis of the questionnaire outside super markets survey data.
- LIFE DEBAG’s educational program was presented at the “Environmental Convention on the Abolition of Plastic Bags”, organised by the “Paros & Antiparos Solid Waste Management Association” in Parikia, Paros Island (3/12).
November 2017
- Participation in the Mid-term conference of the ACT4LITTER project (27- 30/11) in Slovenia and networking with relevant initiatives. Presentation of LIFE DEBAG at the meeting of the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network (Medpan), entitled as: “MPAs facing pollution in the Mediterranean – thinking beyond boundaries”.
- Participation in the educational/informational event for students “Mer en Plastique” (Plastic sea) held at the French Institute in Patras on Sunday, November 26.
- Presentation of the Project in a special event (24/11), organised by the Municipality of North Kynouria on the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction.
- Participation in the workshop organized by the A.K. Laskaridis Foundation, entitled as: “After the Beach cleanings – Planning the next steps”, held on 20/11 in Athens. Among the many valuable presentations, the LIFE DEBAG information and educational campaign were presented.
- In the framework of its participation in the European Week for Waste Reduction, Harokopio University implemented a series of educational and informative actions (material reuse workshops, lectures, presentations, open discussions, games, etc.) from 20 to 24 November 2017. LIFE DEBAG participated in the implementation of the next 3: a) in the workshop, entitled as: “Make your own bag – Meet LIFE DEBAG (22/11)”, b) in interactive action, entitled as: “Plastic bag and us” (22/11), c) in the event, entitled as: “Training students and citizens through LIFE DEBAG” (24/11).
- Participation in the 2 day Festival for Recycling and Waste Reduction (19 and 20/11), organised by H.R.A. (Hellenic Recycling Agency) and Green Fund at Villa Kazouli, Kifissia, in the framework of the European Week for Waste Reduction.
- LIFE DEBAG participated in the seminar for teachers, entitled as: “Environmental Education and performing arts: STOP microplastics”, organized by the Management Body of Messolonghi Lagoon, in collaboration with the Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Aitoloakarnania and the University of Patras (10/11).
- Training workshop (4/11), with the participation of 120 teachers, on “Marine litter and plastic bags”, under the umbrella of the Environmental Educational Seminar “Argosaronikos- our sea: its present and its future”.
October 2017
- LIFE DEBAG, its results, as well as its educational tool guide were presented to more than 30 teachers from the area of Aigio.
- Educational workshop for teachers, focused on the issue of plastic bag, took place during the visit at Mykonos Island.
- Processing data collected during “plastic bag free week” actions related to hotels and voluntary agreements.
- Analysis of the survey questionnaires filled in by the participants of the previous stakeholders’ consultation Fora.
- Statistical processing, data analysis and interpretation of the results regarding the questionnaires of the 1st phase of the interview survey for the general public and SME’s, in order to reveal to what extend the information campaign has contributed to the social welfare.
- Statistical analysis of the results in relation to the questionnaires of the 2nd phase of the survey researches, with regards to the assessment and evaluation of the socioeconomic impact of LIFE DEBAG’s actions, concerning the preferences of the hotel owners, room rental facility owners and stakeholders in Syros.
- MEDOS participated in “Civil society and local authorities delivering for the transition towards a circular economy” event, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on 11/10, in the framework of European Week of Regions and Cities.
- On 6th October, the Project was presented by all LIFE DEBAG partners in Athens at the offices of the European Parliament, at a meeting hosted by MEP M. Kyrkos, with the participation of MEP G. Grammatikakis. The meeting’s topic was on the reduction of the use of single-use plastic bags in Greece.
September 2017
- Participation in the two days LIFE Platform Meeting “Plastics in a Circular Economy” (21 & 22/9), attendance at the keynote speeches, participation in the “Plastics Collection, Sorting and Recycling – moving beyond the state of the art” and “Plastic Marine Litter” workshops, as well as at the field trip to the LIFE project Energy Waste operated at WATT S.A.
- Participation in the Summer School on “Environmental Education and Performing Arts: Stop Microplastics”, organized by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Patras, in collaboration with the Department of Primary Education and the Department of Geology of the same University. The summer school lasted from 20 to 22 September 2017.
- A representative of the Project was interviewed by SKAI TV Magazino (20/9).
- Common interview of Prof. G. Papatheodorou (University of Patras) and Dr. P. Kirkitsos (ECOREC), on the “beginning of the end of single-use plastic bags in Greece” at the printed version of Kathimerini nationwide newspaper, published at the Sunday issue on 10/9.
- Analysis of the data collected during the benthic litter monitoring of the two selected gulfs in Syros (Hemoupolis and Kini) with the use of a towing camera system that took place on May.
- Implementation and analysis of the data collected during the 10th plastic bag load monitoring survey on the Project’s 4 selected beaches.
- Participation in the workshop held on 16th of September at Agrinion, entitled as: “Recycling at source – Ban the single use plastic bag” organized by a local Municipal Party.
- A representative of the Project was interviewed by SKAI Radio on 2/9.
August 2017
- LIFE DEBAG Press Release on 23.08.2017, concerning the new JMD on plastic bag reduction, analysing its strong and weak points. The Press Release was published in the highly esteemed Greek e-newspaper “To Vima”.
- Interview of LIFE DEBAG coordinator Prof. George Papatheodorou on plastic pollution with references on the data acquired during the LIFE DEBAG and LIFE AMMOS projects, to the Athenian – Macedonian Press Agency). The interview was published in numerous e-newspapers and portals, as well as in the printed version of the newspaper “Peloponnesus”, with extended reference in the front page.
- Interview of Ms Kontaxi, Project Manager of MEDSOS’ LIFE DEBAG team, on LIFE DEBAG progress and the newly announced JMD on reduction of plastic bag use to ERT3 radio station (11.08.2017).
- Interview of Ms Kontaxi, Project Manager of MEDSOS’ LIFE DEBAG team, on LIFE DEBAG progress and the newly announced JMD on reduction of plastic bag use to ERT – Proto Programma (18.08.2017).
- Replication activities of LIFE DEBAG project at coastal villages around Patras.
July 2017
- Creation of an English version of the LIFE DEBAG campaign main video in English. The video was uploaded on Twitter and YouTube and sent to European Commission social media responsible as requested.
- Dissemination of the Project at the Round Table NGOs assembly on European Governance “Development from the Sea. The Role and Restrictions of Non-Governmental Organizations”.
- Participation in ECO-Observatory launching event.
June 2017
- The 4th stakeholder meeting was held on 23 June 2017.
- Interview at the radio station VIMA FM that is broadcast in Athens and ten more regions in Greece (08.06.2017).
- Interview at the Proti Grammi newscast show of the nation wide SKAI TV Channel (08.06.2017).
- Educational presentations in 4 primary education schools of Paros, with the participation of 670 students and in 2 primary & secondary education schools of Attica, with the participation of 135 students.
- Implementation of 2 educational workshops in Attica, with the participation of 75 students from 2 different schools.
- Promotion of LIFE DEBAG project at:
- the 2nd Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), jointly organized by the European Commission and the Hellenic Republic with the support of the EUSAIR Facility point (Ioannina, Greece).
- EU Green Week, οorganized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment. (Brussels, Belgium)
- the event ”Supporting the Implementation of SDG 14 – State of Play of the UN Ocean Conference” organized by MEPs Ricardo Serrão Santos and Alain Cadec, Vice-Chairs of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development (European Parliament premises, Brussels, Belgium)
- the Kick-off meeting of the European Commission’s expert group on skills and career development in the blue economy (01.06.2017, Brussels, Belgium)
May 2017
- Realization of “Plastic Bag Free Week 2017” from 08.05.2017 to 14.05.2017:
- LIFE DEBAG info-kiosk at Miaouli Square in Ermoupolis, Syros from 5 to 14 May 2017.
- Radio interview of the project coordinator Prof. George Papatheodorou on May 12, at ERT’s nation-wide radio station Proto Programma.
- Radio interview of the project coordinator Prof. George Papatheodorou on May 13, at Empneusi radio station on Georgia’s Matsouka live show describing the “Plastic bag free week 2017” events and actions as well as the impact of the LIFE DEBAG Project.
April 2017:
- Meetings of the projects’ partners with the Mayor of Syros Mr. G. Maragos, the head of the communication office of Municipality of Syros Mrs. A. Printezi, the Vice Mayor of Environment Mr. M. Voutsinos and the Officers for Environmental Education of the Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Cyclades for the planning of “Plastic Bag Free Week 2017”, which was set for the second week of May (8-14/05/2017).
- Communication with shops/retailers/stakeholders of Syros in order to inform and invite them to the “Stakeholder’s meeting” during “Plastic Bag Free Week 2017” (which was set for Wednesday 10/05/2017).
- LIFE DEBAG info-kiosk at the exhibition “4th Patras Innovation Quest – Patras IQ 2017”, which was held in Pampeloponnisiako Stadium. Interview with LIFE DEBAG coordinator Prof. G. Papatheodorou concerning LIFE DEBAG project scope, actions and replication activities, at UP FM on April 9 2017 during PATRAS IQ exhibition.
- Presentation of the LIFE DEBAG project to 50 participants from 34 European NGOs at the ZeroWaste Europe NGO meeting.
- On the grounds of LIFE DEBAG replication activities, meetings with local citizens’ groups in Patras and neighbouring municipalities took place in order to implement LIFE DEBAG’s actions.
March 2017:
- Several small duration videos on the project’s activities have been created (teasers for upcoming events, presentation of project’s actions etc) and gradually uploaded on the project’s social media.
- Interview with LIFE DEBAG coordinator Prof. G. Papatheodorou concerning LIFE DEBAG project scope, actions and replication activities, at National Radio Station (ERT Patras) on 16 March 2017.
- On the grounds of LIFE DEBAG replication activities, an open to public workshop took place on 22 March 2017 in Athens, co-organized with the Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni, as the first information and awareness-raising activity of the cooperation between the Municipality and LIFE DEBAG after the signing of the MoU. The workshop included communications from all LIFE DEBAG partners and was videotaped and uploaded on youtube.
February 2017:
- Educational presentations in secondary education schools took place in Syros from 13-17 of February 2017. A seminar for school teachers took place on Monday 20 February 2017. All produced upcycling toolboxes were distributed in all (primary and secondary) schools in Syros. All school teachers were informed for the LIFE DEBAG Student’s Reusable Bag Contest. Reusable bags that will be created by the students will be exhibited during the “Plastic Bag Free Week 2017”. Moreover, during the week the best creations will be rewarded.
- Implementation of two (2) environmental education seminars on the 8th and 9th of February 2017, in cooperation with the Primary and Secondary Education representatives of Athens’ Educational Sector C and with the Primary Education representatives of Athens’ Educational Sector A, respectively.
- Communication with the MINISTRY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, THE ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE of Malta for contributing with LIFE DEBAG material to an informative video they are preparing for marine litter.
January 2017:
- Elaboration of data stemming from plastic bag load monitoring on beaches and Plastic bag questionnaire surveys.
- Launch of the English version of the official LIFE-DEBAG website.
- LIFE DEBAG’s Midterm Report for the reporting period 01/09/2015 to 31/01/2017, was submitted to European Commission on 31/01/2017.
December 2016:
- Presentation of LIFE-DEBAG including aims, first results, and proposed policies for the reduction of single-use plastic bags consumption, by Prof. G. Papatheodorou at the PERMANENT SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OF THE HELLENIC PARLIAMENT on 7/12/2016.
- Presentation of the Project results at a conference entitled “Protecting the Environment with prevention and recycling activities”. The conference was hosted by the Municipality of Hersonissos, Crete.
- Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni for the replication of LIFE DEBAG
- Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with “Association of Kea’s Isl. friends” for the replication of LIFE DEBAG.
November 2016:
- Demonstration of the project’s dissemination material (cotton bags) through the TV program ECO NEWS, which aired on nationwide SKAI TV channel on 28 November, 2016.
- Presentation of LIFE DEBAG aims and results by Prof. G. Papatheodorou and S. Kordella in the “Greenalists” radio broadcast of Up Fm (Official University of Patras Radio Station).
- Presentation of LIFE DEBAG aims and results by Prof. G. Papatheodorou in the workshop “Circular economy and valorization/recycling: a potential way to reduce dependence on raw material and energy”, held in the conference room of the Patras University library on Monday, November 28th.
- Presentation of LIFE DEBAG aims and results in general and, more specifically, concerning the web questionnaire at http://goo.gl/forms/L49oPrvnaq in the context of the web based survey that is to be conducted at national level, by Charalampos Mentis on the 4th Pan-Hellenic Conference of “Economics of Natural Resources and Environment”, ENVECON , held in the University of Thessaly, Volos between the 4th and 5th of November.
October 2016:
- A partners meeting was held, during which specific proposals regarding the harmonization of the national legislation with the provisions of Directive 2015/720 were thoroughly discussed.
- Publication of the master thesis entitled “Thinking outside the plastic bag: How Greece can reduce the plastic bag consumption” by Sofia Peppa, in which an extensive reference to the LIFE DEBAG Project is made. The thesis was published in the context of the postgraduate program “Master of Science in Environmental Management and Policy” of the “International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics” – Lund University, Sweden.
Analysis of the survey questionnaires which were filled in by the participants of the third stakeholders’ Consultation Forum.
Statistical processing and data analysis of the complete dataset in order to reveal to what extend the information campaign has contributed to the social welfare of the local community of Syros Island.
September 2016:
- Conduction of the 3rd Consultation Forum
- Statistical processing and data analysis of the complete dataset on the socio-economic impacts of the Project’s activities in order to reveal to what extend the information campaign has contributed to the social welfare of the local community of Syros Island.
- Design and installation of the Project’s Notice boards.
August 2016:
- Broadcast of the Project’s TV-spot on nation-wide Greek TV-stations.
- Statistical processing and data analysis of the complete dataset on the socio-economic impacts of the Project activities in order to reveal to what extend the information campaign has contributed to the social welfare of the local community of Syros Island.
July 2016:
- Conduction of the 2nd Consultation Forum.
- Broadcast of the Project’s TV-spot on nation-wide Greek TV-stations.
- The YouTube version of the Project’s TV-spot was communicated to the Official page of the Representation of European Commission in Greece, who uploaded the video along with information regarding the Project to their official Facebook pages (European Commission in Greece and Office of the European Parliament in Greece) where it received more than 426.000 Views and 25.000 Likes and it was shared in users profiles more than 5.600 times.
- Analysis of the data collected from the questionnaire interviews of consumers outside super-markets in Syros during the “Plastic Bag Free Week”, the data collected from the beaches of the Northern coasts of Syros, as wells as the data collected from the aerial drone between May 29th and June 1st in Ladopoulos and Lotos beaches.
June 2016:
- Realization of the “Plastic Bag Free Week” in Syros Island.
- Implementation of “door to door campaign” in Syros households and SMEs. More than 4.900 households and shops were informed and more than 4.930 reusable bags were distributed (from “door-to-door” campaign only).
- Implementation of the 2nd survey researches in Syros Island, during which 156 questionnaires were conducted, concerning the identification and evaluation of the impact and influences of the “Plastic Bag Free Week 2016” in relation to the preferences of the population in Syros.
- Presentation of the Project’s objectives, activities and progress during the Annual General Meeting of “Seas At Risk” for the protection and restoration of the marine environment (SAR), which took place in Brussels.
May 2016:
- Initiation of the “Plastic Bag Free Week” in Syros Island.
- Approval of the Project’s TV-spot by the national broadcasting council to be broadcasted as a social message. Distribution of the TV-spot to all Greek TV stations. Upload of the long, four-part version of the TV-spot on YouTube.
- Completion of all educational material, which includes: a 45-minute Classroom Presentation, a Teacher’s Guide, 6 Factsheets, 6 Worksheets, 25 Upcycling Toolboxes and 2 Interactive Outdoor Games.
April 2016:
- Conduction of the 1st Consultation Forum.
- Production of information material for public events and presentations, containing information on plastic bag pollution and on the Project’s scope and main activities.
- Production of woven bags that will be distributed during the “Plastic Bag Free Week” in Syros Island and of t-shirts, with the Project’s logo on, to be used by the Project’s staff during the “door-to-door campaign” and the “Plastic bag free week” events.
- Finalization of the contents and completion of the graphic design of the information material for stakeholders and the general public.
- Collection, input and update with photographic and video material, articles and facts about plastic bags, as well as Project’s actions, aims and objectives of the official Project’s website.
March 2016:
- Collection, input and update with photographic and video material, articles and facts about plastic bags, as well as Project’s actions, aims and objectives of the official Project’s website.
February 2016
- Completion of an additional economic report titled “Economic aspects of the use of plastic bags in Europe and Greece”.
- The first meeting with the Department of Public Relations of the Municipality of Syros, took place in Hermoupolis for the planning of the main events of the information campaign that will be escalated in Syros Island on the first week of June.
- Completion of the Project’s 1st QA/QC report.
January 2016:
- Completion of the Project’s Communication Strategy and Dissemination Plan.
- LIFE DEBAG’s website launch and optimization.
- Creation of an educational video containing interesting facts about plastic bag use and impacts on the marine environment and human health addressing to the public.
December 2015:
- Travel to Syros Island of partners’ staff members and the Project’s Coordinator, during which the following have taken place: a) an official meeting with the local municipal employees, vice mayors and relevant actors, where the Project scope and actions as well the environmental problem and the socio-economic effects of plastic bags were presented, b) meetings with super market managers, and c) data recording and cleaning of one of the selected beaches which gathers enormous amounts of debris.
November 2015:
- Travel to Syros Island of partners’ staff members for planning of “Plastic bag questionnaire survey I” and of beach surveys for the estimation of the plastic bag baseline load on beach, during which the following have taken place: a) contacts with super/ mini markets and retail stores for acquirement of their records on plastic bag consumption data and informing them about the Project and the “Plastic bag questionnaire survey I” on consumers, and b) completion of beach selection and of beach surveys for the estimation of the plastic bag baseline load on beach.
- Selection of the Project’s logo.
October 2015:
- Dissemination of the Project’s objectives and actions, as well as of the environmental problem targeted, through 1st Press Release.
- Participation in the conference “A Wake of Plastics” an event organized in the framework of DeFishGear Project (IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 2007-2013).
September 2015:
- Kick-off meeting of all Project’s partners in Patras.
- Completion of the development of the “Protocol for the monitoring of plastic bag litter on beaches”.