The LIFE DEBAG Final Conference was implemented successfully in Athens, on December 7, with 180 participants who attended 13 presentations by scientists, NGOs and organizations relative to plastic marine pollution, and 6 presentations depicting the Project’s activities and results.
Keynote speaker was Dr. Francois Galgani, IFREMER, Chair of the MSFD technical group marine litter, Chair of the Un env/unesco/IMO group of experts (GESAMP) on plastic in the environment, who presented the situation concerning “Marine litter in European Seas”.
In addition, the representatives of NGOs presented their actions for combating plastic pollution, while other important scientists -representatives of institutions and organizations investigating plastic pollution and its impacts- presented the main challenges they are facing both in our country and worldwide.
One of the finest moments of the Conference took place when the LIFE DEBAG Voluntary Agreement for the reduction of plastic bags was signed by representatives of 5 supermarket chains in the presence of Mr. Vasilis Liogas, Counselor of the Deputy Minister of the Environment and Energy.
Finally, the Project’s beneficiaries presented the actions and the results of LIFE DEBAG, which took place over the last 3 years in Syros.